If you answered yes to any of the above and are interested in making a difference in the lives of youth, then Abraxas Youth & Family Services has opportunities for you!
The requirements for an internship with Abraxas may vary by school. As an example, State universities in Pennsylvania require students to complete an undergraduate internship application, attend a job interview with Abraxas, and secure an offer for a paid internship position.
Once hired, a paid intern will work 40 hours per week and be required to send weekly e-mail reports to his or her advisor. The intern will receive the same training all Abraxas employees receive. The intern will serve as a fully integrated member of the treatment team and will work with our youth and help guide them through daily program activities. Duties and responsibilities include role modeling appropriate behaviors and attitudes, facilitating group activities such as structured recreation, and providing mentorship and guidance to at-risk youth entrusted to our care.
Students may earn 3 to 13 credits for their internship based on need and coursework requirements. Upon completion of the internship, students will be required to complete a final internship paper. Additionally, the Abraxas internship supervisor will complete a performance review which will be sent to the student’s department advisor.
Interns will also participate in learning experiences outside the residential facility. They will engage with local and / or state police, which is where many of our youth make their initial contact with the juvenile justice system. We will introduce interns to county probation officers and case workers to provide perspectives on their roles and responsibilities. Interns will attend some courtroom proceedings to learn about the juvenile justice process. Finally, interns will visit select community based programs that Abraxas operates in order to provide a comprehensive overview of the entire juvenile justice system. This will help to expand the intern’s knowledge base and provide the necessary information to make an informed decision about future career aspirations.
Upon graduating many of our interns pursue full time employment with us.